Wednesday 22 October 2014

Ella-Rose's 100 wc

I was walking down to the woods with my friends. We were playing 'spot spooky Halloween stuff.' So, Elsie went first and said "What's that creepy, black, ghost thing over there?" We all blinked. But from the blink of our eyes he was gone! I said "Where's he gone?" in a scared voice. We all heard a faint scream, it was like somebody's child had been stolen. "Does any of you have signal on your phone to call our mums?" suggested Mia. There came that faint scream again. There was a problem, none of us had signal...

Lukas' 100 wc

One Halloween night my eyes shot open with excitement! The first thing that came into my head was: I can't wait, it's Halloween this evening. At lunch my mum got the costumes ready. They were a bat, a skeleton, a ghost and a wear wolf. That night I couldn't get to sleep! Suddenly I heard a creak of the door...

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Christopher's 100 word challenge

Ren was in a bad mood. She had lost her quiver and that made her grumpy. We were heading in the direction of the stone mouth that Narik had said about. Ren had decided that she hated Narick. He had dropped her quiver in the river. She was grumbling about it. "How could there be a stone creature with a stone mouth, and how do we get in?" complained Ren. "If you ace the only one capable of it, (she meant saving the forest) how do we..." I interrupted her.
"On the hill!" I exclaimed. There was the gaping mouth of the stone creature. "It's not a stone creature, it's a cave!" I entered... I could not believe the smell! (it was a bit pongy!) I went to the tooth, yanked it out and ... "The bear!" screamed Ren...It was too late...

Monday 6 October 2014

This week...

There won't be any maths or spelling homework this week as it is assessment week in school. It's important to keep working at home though, so why don't you play some of the games on this great website to practise your times tables.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Maggie's 100 word challenge

This week we had to include ' I looked around...' in our writing.

On a foggy day I looked around - by the way, my name is Ottoline and I'm with my best friend Mr Munroe. As I looked around the world changed into candyland! There were caramel cops, cookie children. Suddenly there was a clear announcement "go into the woods," cried Queen Selestia. At that, Mr Munroe saw a cheeky figure dancing in the fire. "Ha ha, a goblin!" I cried cheekily.

Shea's 100 word challenge

As I looked around I saw a deep dark hole, lots of rabbits were down there because it was their home. They were so evil. One of the rabbits had a glittering tail (It was blue!). As I poked my head through the deep dark hole my head got stuck so the rabbits pushed and pushed but I couldn't get out. The rabbits pulled and pulled with all their might and I fell down the hole. When I fell down the hole it took ages! I bumped my head at the bottom. Then I had to go home (yay!)

Maddi's 100 word challenge

Whizz! I climbed through the portal and I found myself in a bowling alley, but it was no ordinary bowling alley. As I looked around I didn't see humans, I saw aliens! The bowling balls were square! I thought I was dreaming so I pinched myself but I was still standing there! I felt very confused indeed. What's going to happen next?